Hypogonadism (Low Testosterone)

Hypogonadism (Low Testosterone)


Men with testosterone deficiency may experience fatigue, poor concentration, reduced sex drive, and erectile dysfunction. Different regimens of testosterone replacement therapy are available to cater to your lifestyle.


Hypogonadism/Low Testosterone

A beautiful blonde, middle-aged woman looks lovingly upon her handsome middle-aged man. He looks healthy, athletic, and full of life.

What is Hypogonadism/Low Testosterone?

Men with testosterone deficiency may experience fatigue, poor concentration, reduced sex drive, and erectile dysfunction. Different regimens of testosterone replacement therapy are available to cater to your lifestyle.

How do I know if I have Hypogonadism/Low Testosterone?

If Dr. Pan thinks you may have Hypogondasm/Low Testosterone, he will first run a hormone test. This test will determine your sex hormone levels. It’s specifically looking at your level of testosterone, sexual hormone binding globulin, and most importantly free testosterone (which is the active form of the hormone).

How common is Hypogonadism/Low Testosterone?

Hypogonadism/Low Testosterone affects about 4-5 million men in the United States. It is more likely to be found in older males, although it may occur at any age.

How do you treat Hypogonadism/Low Testosterone?

Dr. Pan  provides all forms of testosterone replacement therapy: injection, topical, nasal, implanted. If you have good symptom relief on testosterone therapy, long acting formulations such as AVEED (10 week shot) or Testopel (implanted pellets with 3-6 month  duration) may be right for you.


Treatments for Hypogonadism/Low Testosterone



AVEED® is a prescription medicine that contains testosterone, a controlled substance (CIII). AVEED® is used to treat adult males who have low or no testosterone due to certain medical conditions.

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TESTOPEL® is the only FDA-approved testosterone pellet available to help restore testosterone levels in men with Low T.

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